Thursday, July 24, 2008

For Lucy

For Lucy-I Remember

Sitting at the bottom of the pool of vengeance
Looking up, praying for transference
I kiss the clouds a time perception
And know she died in full rejection
And all the spirits ride this swell
To make me speak the devil's tale

No peace can live within the fury
Your life plays out, its lies your jury
With every act your evil grows
And all around you pay your dues
I sit back and watch your spells
That dooms your soul to mortal hell

No quench for thirst in your dark sand
No way to see the light in hands
Of sisters tied to one another
You made us blind, we were your others
Your blood was cold, you made us shiver
You ripped us up until we splintered

I watched her pull the meat from bone
She starved, you let her die alone
You stole her soul, you know I know
And reveled in her death, so slow
But I'll stay here and plant my feet
In daisies for her memory.

Copyright 2008 Mary Rives Brown All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Space Cadet said...

This is utterly beautiful and terribly tragic. What an injustice committed to such a wonderful person by such a despicable monster.

Of the monster that you reference, I found a quote that applies to "JDC" perfectly; Gustave Flaubert's Sentimental Education refers to a banker who is "so corrupt that he would willingly pay for the pleasure of selling himself."

It doesn't come close to a full and complete indictment against the goon who sits in the panoramic, second-floor office of the Grey Lady - but it is a sufficient description of the base nature of his ghastly character.